Kodak Motion Picture Film

Film Matters

Movie studio heads and accountants alike might not see the difference, but filmmakers have a deep-rooted love for the gold standard, allowing them to produce truly organic emotive images. Ask even the greenest director or DP why film matters, and they’ll light up. Kodak knew it had advocates, but needed a bold campaign to help activate them and start a conversation.

Gabriel Moreno, the renowned Spanish illustrator, was commissioned to create the art after the green light was given to turn to the undeniable strengths of illustration. Two versatile works that could be adapted to fill a large variety of print and digital marketing needs became the engaging core of the campaign.

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Film Matters created a cause that goes beyond selling film into sanctifying the art of filmmaking. Large scale visuals travelled the world as a backdrop to the conversation that also ran on social media and was aggravated on kodak.com.

Motion film lovers are a powerful breed, especially the likes of Quentin Tarantino, Christopher Nolan, J.J. Abrams and Judd Apatow, who together pushed the major Hollywood studios to form a financial agreement with Kodak. Thus ensures that the manufacture of celluloid film stock continues, and processing labs are kept open – keeping that unmistakable look of film capture alive.


Emulate: It's Within Us


Paychex: DRTV